Collaborative Speculations on Future Themes for Participatory Design in Germany
Art der Publikation: Journal Article
Veröffentlicht auf / in: i-com
Jahr: 2022
Band / Volume: 21
Verlag (Publisher): degryuter
Ana Correira de Barros
Jesse Josua Benjamin
Christoph Benzmüller
Andreas Bischof
Sandra Buchmüller
Alexandra de Carvalho
Claude Draude
Marc-Julian Fleck
Juliane Jarnke
Stefanie Klein
Caroline Kortekaas
Albrecht Kurze
Diane Linke
Franzisca Maas
Nicola Marsden
Ricardo Melo
Susanne Michel
Claudia Müller-Birn
Monika Pröbster
Katja Antonia Rießenberger
Mirko Tobias Schäfer
Julia Stilke
Anne Weibert
Wilhelm Weinhold
Sara Wolf
Isabel Zorn
Michael Heidt
Arne Berger
Participatory Design means recognizing that those who will be affected by a future technology should have an active say in its creation. Yet, despite continuous interest in involving people as future users and consumers into designing novel and innovative future technology, participatory approaches in technology design remain relatively underdeveloped in the German HCI community. This article brings together the diversity of voices, domains, perspectives, approaches, and methods that collectively shape Participatory Design in Germany. In the following, we (1) outline our understanding of participatory practice and how it is different from mere user involvement; (2) reflect current issues of participatory and fair technology design within the German Participatory Design community; and (3) discuss tensions relevant to the field, that we expect to arise in the future, and which we derived from our 2021 workshop through a speculative method. We contribute an introduction and an overview of current themes and a speculative outlook on future issues of Participatory Design in Germany. It is meant to inform, provoke, inspire and, ultimately, invite participation within the wider Computer Science community.
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