Ambient Learning Spaces - Constructing Timelines through Distributed Collaborative Learning
Art der Publikation: Conference Paper
Veröffentlicht auf / in: Proceedings of ICERI2021 Conference
Jahr: 2021
Seiten: 3972-3981
Verlag (Publisher): IATED
ISBN: 978-84-09-34549-6
With the Ambient Learning Spaces (ALS) environment, we developed a didactic infrastructure as an integrated environment for self-directed and distributed learning inside and outside school. The environment combines and interlinks mobile, stationary and immersive learning applications on a variety of interaction devices. The artificial division between the classroom and the world outside vanishes through the pervasive cloud-based backend repository NEMO (Network Environment for Multimedia Objects) connecting a growing number of interactive learning applications with a central semantic media storage. This contribution emphasizes on the ALS learning application TimeLine used for teaching history and chronological correlation of events in an interactive environment. ALS with learning applications like the TimeLine module has been used in schools before and during the COVID-19 pandemic for successful distributed distance learning.
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