A User Rights Concept for Semantic Media in Ambient Learning Spaces
Art der Publikation: Conference Paper
Veröffentlicht auf / in: CENTRIC 2018
Jahr: 2018
Seiten: 24-25
Verlag (Publisher): IARIA
ISBN: 978-1-61208-670-5
ISSN: 2308-3492
In our research project Ambient Learning Spaces (ALS), users interact with Semantic Media. Semantic Media consist of both plain media, such as still images, audio, video, text, or 3D objects, enriched by semantic relations and annotations describing content and inheritance structure of the media. These annotations allow classifying and arranging the media into semantic models. Semantic Media represent the information users create, collect and access, e.g., in the museum or school context of our research project. As media are accessed and used in various applications from the family of ALS applications, a user rights concept is required to manage access to these media. Usually such user rights have to be set explicitly.
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