InteractiveWall 3.1 - Formal and Non-Formal Learning at School with Web-3.0-based Technology in Front of Large Multi-touch Screens
Art der Publikation: Conference Paper
Veröffentlicht auf / in: EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology
Jahr: 2017
Seiten: 1317–1326
Verlag (Publisher): AACE
ISBN: 978-1-939797-29-2
Martina Ide
This paper focuses on the design, implementation and evaluation of the InteractiveWall 3.1 (IW), which supports formal and non-formal learning in primary and secondary schools. With the third generation we developed based on latest technology, new simplified ways of delivering and interacting with media have been achieved. This was made possible by advances in the NEMO framework, which powers the IW serving enriched media. For our research, we are able to track each interaction though NEMO. Therefore, this paper presents data gathered during typical everyday school life. In this paper, we present a practical example related to learning English as a second language. The interpretation of the first recorded usage data and the first statements by learners in context of the IW 3.1 and the ALS-Portal give an initial impression of the many planned qualitative and quantitative evaluations in the near future.
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